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How to become a tutor?

How to become a tutor?

Ostatnia modyfikacja: 
środa, 9 czerwca 2021 roku, 10:10

Dear Colleagues,

The time for change is coming! There is a growing need to provide students with personalized education. We want to start by promoting one form of such education at our Faculty - tutoring. What is tutoring based on the Oxford method, you will learn from the beautiful text by Piotr Arlukowicz, our faculty pioneer of this form of education.

In the new academic year we want to offer students a new form of education. We are looking for people for whom teaching is a passion and who would like to devote about 15 hours a semester to conduct a tutorial. As a rule, tutorials are conducted for one student and are based on a master-student relationship. They do not deal with topics covered in the program of study. For students, they are optional extra-curricular activities. It is more about developing the students' interests, broadening their horizons and helping them discover their potential.

In the near future, we will develop an organizational framework for our program, including ways to reward participation in the classes.

We plan that those who engage in our program will have the opportunity to take a course ending with a certificate confirming their competence in tutoring. We are counting here on the support of the University's Center for Teaching Excellence and Tutoring.

We highly encourage you to join the group of academic tutors. If necessary, we will answer any questions, in particular we will explain what tutoring is, and why it is so important.

All interested persons, please contact us directly.

Piotr Arłukowicz piotr.arłukowicz@ug.edu.pl

Marcin Marciniak marcin.marciniak@ug.edu.pl